This morning we got up very early (06.00 AM) to participate in a jugle/safari ride with Landrovers. A cruiseline can not get to the port in Belize due to huge coral reefs that prevents a large vessel to enter the port. Instead, the cruiseline has a continous feed of small boats going between the ship and the mainland.
Our trip took us with a speedboat to the coast and long into the jungle in a beautiful river. After one hour ride we arrived to a place in the jungle with 7 Landrovers and I could not believe it but I got to be the driver in my Landrover. The roads were rough and we drove several miles in a mudroad in the middle of the jungle and I have to admit that there were places where even I was a little scared. People in my Landrover had full trust in my driving skills.... Good for them....
After an hour and half we arrived to a camp with people working on our lunch, and that is when we got to take a long hike to very deep caves where Mayas had also used as shelter for hurricanes as well as moving between to sides of a mountain. We run into bats, more bats, very low celings and it was hot but at the very same time amazing.
After the caves we had lunch (chicken stu) with rice and salad... Very good and very nice. The lunc ended up with some punsch and a ride to Belize City in a jungle bus. That trip took around one hour and we got to shop at the pier.
Belize is part of British Commonwealth and have been independent country for quite a while. It is a pretty poor country, but with lots of opportunities. I was impressed with the people and their hospitality.
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10 years ago