Thursday, September 14, 2006 - I am too old for that

I used first time in my life when staying in Boston. I wanted to be cheap so my client would not have to pay for the ridicolous 400 dollar night what the hotels in downtown Boston are asking for. Guess what... I got what I wanted, a cheap hotel that was cheap in every respect... A Howard Johnson hotel where I could get to my room through a dumpster.... Also, the room was supposed to have wireless connection.... It did but nobody did not tell that outgoing SMTP traffic would not work... So I could read my email, but not send anything.... sweet..... Also, the first night the hotel lost its electricity....

The question is.... Did I learn anything.... The answer is.... Yes I did and that is that I will not use anymore as it will not let you choose the hotel until you pay it... So you are "buying a pig in a bag".

The second lesson is, which I should have learnt by now, is that when you want to be cheap, you will have to deal with crap in one way or the other....

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